Joan Hiatt Harlow

Hello! I'm so glad you came!

Joan Hiatt Harlow

In this Web site, you'll hear how I came to be a writer.

The characters in my books will tell you about themselves and their stories.

You'll read about awards, what kids say.

You'll also get a glimpse of my new books.


Little Girl

left arrow

That's me! Fours years old and heading to the library.

Joan third birthday

That's me!
Third Birthday
And Very bossy?

Ever since I learned to read (at the age of four) I wanted to be a writer, My mother told wonderful tales about her birthplace, Newfoundland. My grandmother gave me books that were classics and explained the "unexpected ending" in books by O. Henry.

I also loved mythology, fairy tales, folk tales, Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton, my mother's books of the month (which I opened and read before she did!) and encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus. I loved words — and still do!

Little girl on top of some books

With this background my dream was to write books that children everywhere would love just as I cherished the stories I read as a child.

My dream came true, which goes to prove the old saying, "if you can dream it you can make it happen."


Little girl reading a book