In this Web site, you'll hear how I came to be a writer.
The characters in my books will tell you about themselves and their stories.
You'll read about awards, what kids say.
You'll also get a glimpse of my new books.
That's me! Fours years old and heading to the library.
That's me!
Third Birthday
And Very bossy?
Ever since I learned to read (at the age of four) I wanted to be a writer, My mother told wonderful tales about her birthplace, Newfoundland. My grandmother gave me books that were classics and explained the "unexpected ending" in books by O. Henry.
I also loved mythology, fairy tales, folk tales, Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton, my mother's books of the month (which I opened and read before she did!) and encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus. I loved words — and still do!
With this background my dream was to write books that children everywhere would love just as I cherished the stories I read as a child.
My dream came true, which goes to prove the old saying, "if you can dream it you can make it happen."